
Attorney Spotlight – Jim Dressman


Jim Dressman

In which office are you located?

DBL Law’s Northern Kentucky office.

Tell us a little about your practice. 

Much estate planning and probate; outside general counsel for several small/medium size businesses;  Real estate and business transactions including entity formations and mergers and acquisitions. Transitioning to more of the former and less of the latter.

What led you to a legal career?

My father was a lawyer/judge and I started working for him when I was 14. I assisted him with a relatively large tax preparation practice by preparing state income tax returns after he had completed the federal.

What has been your most interesting or memorable case and why?

By far the most memorable business transaction I ever handled was the merger of St Elizabeth Medical Center with St Luke Hospitals. One of the most memorable estate planning/ probate matters I had was when a elderly female client who had lived with siblings her entire life was moving into a senior care center and a priest helping her found over $100,000 cash all in small bills in a suitcase. I was also fortunate to work on a lot of locally significant projects like the Covington Landing and the Kentucky Speedway.

What’s something about you most people don’t know? 

I think I am pretty much an open book so not sure what that would be. My wife and I (married 47 years this year) met when we were both 15?? I have 11 siblings?

Where would we find you on the weekend?

Very often at my Lake Cumberland home ( if not at a grandchild soccer or basketball game or other grandchild event.)

If you had one piece of advice to give an attorney just starting out, what would it be

Have confidence in yourself and that you know- or with a little research- can know every bit as much as your more seasoned opponent. And don’t be afraid to learn something new always.

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