Jim Dressman
Giving Through A Charitable Remainder Trust
A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is an irrevocable tax-exempt trust providing an income stream to non-charitable beneficiaries for life or a determined period of time…
The Effect of Force Majeure Clauses During a Global Pandemic
The disruptive effects of a global pandemic are all too real today considering social distancing and stay-at-home order requirements imposed to mitigate the spread of…
Do you have an Estate Plan? Don’t leave it to chance…
What do Aretha Franklin, Prince, Bob Marley, Sonny Bono, Martin Luther King, Jr. and James Brown have in common? As hard as it might be…
Making Tomorrow’s Decisions, Today – A Complimentary Pre-Planning Seminar
Please join us for a complimentary and informative pre-planning seminar. Presented by Linnemann Funeral Homes and DBL Law. Discover how advanced planning can help your…
Kentucky Court Recognizes Lien Based on Stock Purchase Agreement
In a recent decision, the Kentucky Court of Appeals sent a clear message to lending institutions. Namely, to carefully examine existing due diligence practices prior…
How Often Can I Rollover My IRA?
The previous position of the IRS with respect to indirect rollovers changed late last year effective January 1, 2015. An IRA “rollover” is when you…
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